How Quickly Should You Grow to Key ARR Milestones? The Rule of 56789

Key takeaway


The article "How Quickly Should You Grow to Key ARR Milestones? The Rule of 56789" by Dave Kellogg, published on August 21, 2022, discusses a growth trajectory framework for companies aiming to achieve specific annual recurring revenue (ARR) milestones. The Rule of 56789 is not about setting absolute growth targets but rather about passing certain ARR milestones in a consistent manner without drastic fluctuations in growth rates. The rule also compares favorably with other growth models like the triple/triple/double/double/double (T2D3) rule, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a high growth rate initially and then retaining a significant percentage of that growth rate annually[1].



Rule of 56789

The rule suggests that achieving certain ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) milestones within specific timeframes indicates impressive growth. The milestones are: